Export Code Output
Export to Omnisend

Export to Omnisend

Kombai generates Omnisend-specific HTML emails for the input design. Once Omnisend is selected as the ESP/MAP to export the emails, you can download the Kombai-generated email template and send it to your users via Omnisend.

Select Omnisend as the default ESP/MAP to export emails

Here are the steps to set Omnisend as the default ESP/MAP:

  1. Go to Settings and scroll to Select ESP to export your email.
  2. Select Omnisend from the dropdown.
  3. Apply the settings.

Export to Omnisend

Follow the steps below to export the email to Omnisend:

  1. In Kombai, go to Export CodeExport to ESPOmnisend.
  2. Click Copy Code.
  3. Go to Omnisend and click on CampaignsCreate campaign.
  4. Click Create email under the email card.
  5. Add all campaign information(Subject line, reply-to email, preheader, etc.)
  6. Click Choose email template.
  7. Select Other in Filter by Goal.
  8. Hover on HTML template and click Use template.
  9. Click on the loaded template in the preview area.

Note: If the email design width is not 600px, click the surrounding email canvas and match the canvas width to your email design width.

  1. Replace the existing HTML code with the Kombai-generated code.
  2. Click Save & choose recipients.

Note: If the email has no unsubscribe link, Omnisend will add its custom footer to the email. Click continue to go with it or visit this section to know how to add an unsubscribe link to the Kombai-generated email.

  1. Add your audience and click Review campaign.
  2. Review the campaign details and send or schedule the campaign.

Handle merge tags in Omnisend

Here's an example of how to add merge tags like unsubscribe link and mange preferences in Omnisend:

  1. Go to SettingsReplace texts with Merge TagsLinks tab.
  2. In Text column, add the text where you want to place the unsubscribe link.
  3. In Merge Tag column, add the following merge tag - [[unsubscribe_link]] and tap .
  4. Again, in the Text column, add the text where you want to place the manage preferences link.
  5. In Merge Tag column, add the following merge tag - [[preference_link]], tap and confirm.

Frequently asked questions(FAQs)

How do I save the Kombai-generated email to Omnisend?

To save the Kombai-generated email to Omnisend:

  1. Follow steps 1-10 of the Export to Omnisend.
  2. Click on the down arrow beside Send test email.
  3. Click Save as template.
  4. Add the template name and click Save as template.