
Tailwind CSS Border Radius

When styling elements on the web, rounded corners bring a sense of modernity and softness. In CSS, the border-radius property allows you to control the roundness of an element's corners. Tailwind CSS simplifies this process further by providing a set of utility classes for adding, customizing, and conditionally applying border radius to elements. This article dives deeply into Tailwind's approach to border radius, guiding you through comprehensive use cases, from basic techniques to advanced customization.

Overview of Border Radius

Adding the Border Radius

To round all four corners of an element consistently, Tailwind offers highly intuitive utility classes. You can use utilities such as rounded-sm, rounded-md, or rounded-xl to scale the roundness of an element.

Here’s how you can add rounded corners to a card-style component:

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export default function RoundedCard() {
  return (
    <div className="h-screen w-screen flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-100">
      <div className="bg-white rounded-xl p-6 shadow-lg">
          alt="Soft Corners"
          className="w-full h-64 object-cover rounded-lg"
        <p className="text-center mt-4 text-gray-800">This card has soft rounded corners.</p>
  • rounded-xl: Rounds all corners with a large radius
  • rounded-lg: Applies a moderate rounding to the image

Adding Pills for Buttons

For buttons, creating a pill shape (fully rounded to give a capsule-like effect) focuses user attention effectively. Use rounded-full to achieve this.

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export default function PillButton() {
  return (
    <div className="h-screen w-screen flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-50">
      <button className="bg-blue-600 text-white rounded-full px-8 py-2 hover:bg-blue-700">
  • rounded-full: Ensures the button has completely rounded sides
  • Adjust padding like px-8 py-2 to fine-tune the pill dimensions

Maintaining Sharp Corners

If certain designs require corners to remain sharp, simply use the rounded-none class.

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export default function NoRounding() {
  return (
    <div className="h-screen w-screen flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-200">
      <div className="bg-red-500 text-white rounded-none p-4 shadow-lg">
        <p className="text-center">This is a sharp-cornered box.</p>
  • rounded-none: Removes all border rounding

Rounding Individual Sides

Tailwind allows you to target specific sides of a box. Use classes like rounded-tl-lg or rounded-b to round top-left or bottom edges individually.

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export default function CustomSides() {
  return (
    <div className="h-screen w-screen flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-300">
      <div className="bg-white p-8 shadow-md rounded-t-lg">
        <p className="text-center">Top corners are rounded.</p>
  • rounded-t-lg: Affects only the top corners

Logical Properties for Better Control

Writing-direction handling is smoother when using logical properties like rounded-s or rounded-e. These adapt automatically for RTL text directions.

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export default function LogicalRounding() {
  return (
    <div className="h-screen w-screen flex items-center flex-col gap-6 justify-center bg-gray-200">
      <div dir="rtl" className="bg-yellow-400 p-4 rounded-s-lg">
        <p>Adjusts for text direction automatically.</p>
      <div dir="ltr" className="bg-yellow-400 p-4 rounded-s-lg">
        <p>Adjusts for text direction automatically.</p>

States and Responsiveness

Hover and Focus States

Tailwind's hover, focus, and other state classes let you apply border-radius changes dynamically. For example, increase rounding on hover:

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export default function HoverRoundedEffect() {
  return (
    <div className="h-screen w-screen flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-50">
      <div className="transition-all duration-300 rounded-lg hover:rounded-full bg-teal-500 p-8">
        <p className="text-white text-center">Hover over me!</p>
  • hover:rounded-full: Expands roundness on hover

Breakpoint Modifiers

For responsive designs, Tailwind allows specifying border radius tailored to screen sizes.

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export default function ResponsiveRadius() {
  return (
    <div className="h-screen w-screen flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-300">
      <div className="bg-blue-500 w-80 p-10 rounded-lg sm:rounded-xl md:rounded-full">
        <p className="text-center">Resize the screen width to observe rounding.</p>
  • sm:rounded-xl: Activates larger rounding on small screens
  • md:rounded-full: Makes the element fully rounded for medium screens

Custom Border Radius

Extending the Theme

If you need border radius outside Tailwind's defaults, add custom values in the tailwind.config.js file:

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import tailwindConfig from "./tailwind.config.js";
tailwind.config = tailwindConfig;

export default function ExtraRadius() {
  return (
    <div className="h-screen w-screen flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-100">
      <div className="bg-green-500 p-12 rounded-extra-xl">
        <p className="text-white text-center">Custom XXL rounded corners.</p>
  • Update the Tailwind theme configuration to include extra-xl and super
  • Tailwind utilities are instantly updated with custom classes like rounded-super

Using Arbitrary Values

Arbitrary values in Tailwind make it possible to define explicit rounding values inline without modifying your configuration.

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export default function ArbitraryRadius() {
  return (
    <div className="h-screen w-screen flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-100">
      <div className="p-8 rounded-[25px] bg-indigo-400 text-white">
        <p className="text-center">Using a custom 25px border radius.</p>
  • rounded-[25px]: Directly applies a 25px value to the border radius

Real World Examples

Product Card Grid with Curved Edges

This example shows a grid of product cards with different border radius styles, creating a modern e-commerce layout.

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export default function ProductGrid() {
  const products = [
      id: 1,
      name: "Premium Headphones",
      price: "$299",
      src: "",
      alt: "Premium wireless headphones in black",
      category: "Electronics"
      id: 2,
      name: "Smart Watch Pro",
      price: "$199",
      src: "",
      alt: "Smart watch with black strap",
      category: "Wearables"
      id: 3,
      name: "Laptop Stand",
      price: "$49",
      src: "",
      alt: "Aluminum laptop stand",
      category: "Accessories"
      id: 4,
      name: "Wireless Mouse",
      price: "$79",
      src: "",
      alt: "Ergonomic wireless mouse",
      category: "Peripherals"
      id: 5,
      name: "Mechanical Keyboard",
      price: "$129",
      src: "",
      alt: "RGB mechanical keyboard",
      category: "Peripherals"
      id: 6,
      name: "USB-C Hub",
      price: "$59",
      src: "",
      alt: "Multi-port USB-C hub",
      category: "Accessories"

  return (
    <div className="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-6 p-6">
      { => (
        <div key={} className="group">
          <div className="relative overflow-hidden rounded-t-2xl">
              className="w-full h-64 object-cover transform group-hover:scale-105 transition-transform duration-300"
            <span className="absolute top-2 right-2 bg-black text-white px-3 py-1 rounded-full text-sm">
          <div className="bg-white p-4 rounded-b-2xl shadow-lg">
            <h3 className="text-xl font-semibold">{}</h3>
            <p className="text-gray-600 mt-2">{product.price}</p>

Profile Cards with Rounded Avatar Frames

This example demonstrates profile cards with circular avatars and rounded corners for the container.

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export default function ProfileCards() {
  const profiles = [
      id: 1,
      name: "Sarah Johnson",
      role: "UX Designer",
      src: "",
      alt: "Sarah Johnson profile picture",
      location: "San Francisco"
      id: 2,
      name: "Michael Chen",
      role: "Frontend Developer",
      src: "",
      alt: "Michael Chen profile picture",
      location: "New York"
      id: 3,
      name: "Emma Williams",
      role: "Product Manager",
      src: "",
      alt: "Emma Williams profile picture",
      location: "London"
      id: 4,
      name: "James Wilson",
      role: "Backend Developer",
      src: "",
      alt: "James Wilson profile picture",
      location: "Berlin"
      id: 5,
      name: "Lisa Anderson",
      role: "UI Designer",
      src: "",
      alt: "Lisa Anderson profile picture",
      location: "Toronto"
      id: 6,
      name: "David Kim",
      role: "Full Stack Developer",
      src: "",
      alt: "David Kim profile picture",
      location: "Seoul"

  return (
    <div className="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-8 p-8">
      { => (
        <div key={} className="bg-gradient-to-br from-purple-50 to-indigo-50 p-6 rounded-3xl shadow-xl">
          <div className="flex flex-col items-center">
            <div className="w-24 h-24 rounded-full overflow-hidden ring-4 ring-white">
                className="w-full h-full object-cover"
            <h3 className="mt-4 text-xl font-bold text-gray-800">{}</h3>
            <p className="text-indigo-600 font-medium">{profile.role}</p>
            <p className="text-gray-500 mt-2">{profile.location}</p>
            <button className="mt-4 bg-indigo-600 text-white px-6 py-2 rounded-full hover:bg-indigo-700 transition-colors">

Feature Cards with Asymmetric Radius

This example shows feature cards with different border radius values on each corner.

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export default function FeatureCards() {
  const features = [
      id: 1,
      title: "Cloud Storage",
      description: "Secure and scalable storage solutions for your business",
      icon: "",
      alt: "Cloud storage icon",
      metric: "99.9% Uptime"
      id: 2,
      title: "Analytics Dashboard",
      description: "Real-time insights and data visualization tools",
      icon: "",
      alt: "Analytics dashboard icon",
      metric: "50M+ Data Points"
      id: 3,
      title: "API Integration",
      description: "Seamless integration with popular third-party services",
      icon: "",
      alt: "API integration icon",
      metric: "100+ APIs"
      id: 4,
      title: "Security Suite",
      description: "Enterprise-grade security and encryption",
      icon: "",
      alt: "Security suite icon",
      metric: "256-bit Encryption"
      id: 5,
      title: "Automated Backups",
      description: "Scheduled backups with instant recovery options",
      icon: "",
      alt: "Backup icon",
      metric: "24/7 Backup"
      id: 6,
      title: "Performance Monitoring",
      description: "Advanced monitoring and alerting system",
      icon: "",
      alt: "Performance monitoring icon",
      metric: "Real-time Alerts"

  return (
    <div className="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-8 p-8 bg-gray-100">
      { => (
          className="bg-white hover:bg-gray-50 transition-colors duration-300"
          <div className="rounded-tl-3xl rounded-br-3xl overflow-hidden">
            <div className="p-6">
                className="w-12 h-12 object-cover rounded-lg mb-4"
              <h3 className="text-xl font-bold text-gray-800 mb-2">
              <p className="text-gray-600 mb-4">{feature.description}</p>
              <div className="flex items-center justify-between">
                <span className="text-sm font-semibold text-indigo-600">
                <button className="text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-800">
                  Learn more →

Testimonial Cards with Smooth Corners

This example displays testimonial cards with smooth, rounded corners and quote bubbles.

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export default function TestimonialCards() {
  const testimonials = [
      id: 1,
      name: "Alex Thompson",
      role: "CEO at TechStart",
      quote: "This product has transformed our workflow completely. Couldn't be happier!",
      src: "",
      alt: "Alex Thompson headshot",
      rating: 5
      id: 2,
      name: "Maria Garcia",
      role: "Marketing Director",
      quote: "The best investment we've made this year. Our team productivity has increased by 200%.",
      src: "",
      alt: "Maria Garcia headshot",
      rating: 5
      id: 3,
      name: "John Baker",
      role: "Senior Developer",
      quote: "Finally, a solution that actually delivers on its promises. Outstanding support team!",
      src: "",
      alt: "John Baker headshot",
      rating: 4
      id: 4,
      name: "Sarah Lee",
      role: "Product Manager",
      quote: "We've seen a significant boost in our team's collaboration since implementing this.",
      src: "",
      alt: "Sarah Lee headshot",
      rating: 5
      id: 5,
      name: "Mike Wilson",
      role: "CTO",
      quote: "The integration was seamless, and the results were immediate. Highly recommended!",
      src: "",
      alt: "Mike Wilson headshot",
      rating: 4
      id: 6,
      name: "Emily Chen",
      role: "UX Designer",
      quote: "An exceptional product that has streamlined our design process significantly.",
      src: "",
      alt: "Emily Chen headshot",
      rating: 5

  return (
    <div className="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-8 p-8 bg-gray-50">
      { => (
          className="bg-white p-6 rounded-[2rem] shadow-lg hover:shadow-xl transition-shadow duration-300"
          <div className="flex items-center mb-4">
              className="w-16 h-16 rounded-full object-cover border-4 border-indigo-100"
            <div className="ml-4">
              <h3 className="font-bold text-gray-800">{}</h3>
              <p className="text-gray-600 text-sm">{testimonial.role}</p>
          <div className="relative">
            <div className="absolute -top-2 left-4 w-4 h-4 bg-indigo-100 rounded-full"></div>
            <blockquote className="bg-indigo-100 p-4 rounded-2xl italic text-gray-700">
          <div className="mt-4 flex items-center">
            {[...Array(testimonial.rating)].map((_, i) => (
              <span key={i} className="text-yellow-400"></span>

Pricing Cards with Gradient Borders

This example showcases pricing cards with rounded corners and gradient borders.

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export default function PricingCards() {
  const plans = [
      id: 1,
      name: "Starter",
      price: "$19",
      period: "monthly",
      features: ["5 Projects", "10GB Storage", "Basic Support", "API Access"],
      icon: "",
      alt: "Starter plan icon",
      popular: false
      id: 2,
      name: "Professional",
      price: "$49",
      period: "monthly",
      features: ["15 Projects", "50GB Storage", "Priority Support", "API Access", "Advanced Analytics"],
      icon: "",
      alt: "Professional plan icon",
      popular: true
      id: 3,
      name: "Enterprise",
      price: "$99",
      period: "monthly",
      features: ["Unlimited Projects", "500GB Storage", "24/7 Support", "API Access", "Custom Integration"],
      icon: "",
      alt: "Enterprise plan icon",
      popular: false

  return (
    <div className="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-8 p-8">
      { => (
          className={`relative rounded-3xl overflow-hidden ${
              ? 'bg-gradient-to-r p-[2px] from-blue-600 via-purple-600 to-pink-600'
              : ''
          <div className="h-full bg-white rounded-3xl p-6">
            {plan.popular && (
              <span className="absolute top-4 right-4 bg-gradient-to-r from-blue-600 to-purple-600 text-white px-3 py-1 rounded-full text-sm">
            <div className="flex items-center mb-4">
                className="w-12 h-12 rounded-2xl object-cover"
              <h3 className="text-xl font-bold ml-4">{}</h3>
            <div className="mb-6">
              <span className="text-4xl font-bold">{plan.price}</span>
              <span className="text-gray-500">/{plan.period}</span>
            <ul className="space-y-3 mb-6">
              {, index) => (
                <li key={index} className="flex items-center text-gray-600">
                  <span className="mr-2"></span>
            <button className="w-full py-3 rounded-xl bg-gray-900 text-white hover:bg-gray-800 transition-colors">
              Choose Plan

Customization Examples

Custom Border Radius for Product Cards

This example demonstrates how to create product cards with custom border radius values for different corners, creating a unique asymmetrical design.

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import tailwindConfig from "./tailwind.config.js";
tailwind.config = tailwindConfig;

// App.js
export default function ProductCard() {
  return (
    <div className="flex flex-wrap gap-6 p-8 bg-gray-100">
      <div className="w-64 bg-white rounded-product shadow-lg overflow-hidden transition-transform hover:scale-105">
          className="w-full h-48 object-cover"
        <div className="p-4">
          <h3 className="text-xl font-bold text-gray-800">Premium Watch</h3>
          <p className="text-gray-600 mt-2">Limited Edition Series</p>
          <button className="mt-4 w-full bg-indigo-600 text-white py-2 rounded-product-sm">
            Add to Cart

Dynamic Profile Avatar Frames

This example shows how to implement custom border radius for profile avatars with decorative frames.

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import tailwindConfig from "./tailwind.config.js";
tailwind.config = tailwindConfig;

// App.js
export default function ProfileAvatar() {
  return (
    <div className="flex items-center justify-center min-h-screen bg-gradient-to-r from-purple-500 to-pink-500">
      <div className="relative group">
        <div className="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-r from-yellow-400 to-pink-500 rounded-frame group-hover:rounded-frame-hover transition-all duration-300 blur opacity-75 group-hover:opacity-100" />
        <div className="relative p-1">
            className="w-32 h-32 object-cover rounded-frame group-hover:rounded-frame-hover transition-all duration-300"

Responsive Dashboard Cards

This example demonstrates how to create dashboard cards with responsive border radius that adapts to different breakpoints.

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import tailwindConfig from "./tailwind.config.js";
tailwind.config = tailwindConfig;

// App.js
export default function DashboardCard() {
  return (
    <div className="bg-gray-100 p-6">
      <div className="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-6">
            title: "Revenue",
            value: "$45,231",
            icon: "",
            trend: "+12.5%"
            title: "Active Users",
            value: "2,847",
            icon: "",
            trend: "+3.2%"
            title: "Conversion Rate",
            value: "4.5%",
            icon: "",
            trend: "+0.8%"
        ].map((item, index) => (
            className="bg-white p-6 rounded-dashboard-sm md:rounded-dashboard-md lg:rounded-dashboard-lg shadow-lg hover:shadow-xl transition-shadow"
            <div className="flex items-center justify-between">
              <h3 className="text-lg font-semibold text-gray-800">{item.title}</h3>
                className="w-8 h-8 object-cover rounded-full"
            <div className="mt-4">
              <span className="text-3xl font-bold text-gray-900">{item.value}</span>
              <span className="ml-2 text-sm text-green-500">{item.trend}</span>

Best Practices

Maintain Design Consistency

When working with border-radius in Tailwind CSS, ensuring consistency throughout your project is vital to maintain a visual identity. Stick with the utility classes provided by Tailwind, such as rounded, rounded-lg, or rounded-full, for commonly used components. If you need more nuanced styles, define custom values in your tailwind.config.js file to avoid inconsistencies due to arbitrary values scattered across your codebase. For instance, if your card components use rounded-lg, ensure buttons and modals follow the same styling conventions wherever appropriate. This helps your application's design appear deliberate and polished.

Design consistency also involves using responsive utilities in a systematic way. A good practice would be to establish design patterns for how border-radius scales with screen sizes. For example, while small rounded corners (rounded-sm) may work well on mobile devices, larger radii (rounded-xl) can enhance the spaciousness of desktop layouts. Document such patterns in your project's design guidelines to create a reusable system across your team.

Lastly, avoid excessive rounding that diverges from the brand’s or project’s identity. An overly rounded interface can feel cartoonish, while sharp corners might look too rigid. Determine a design language early, and use border-radius utilities as a means of reinforcing that language. By maintaining a consistent, intentional approach, you’ll ensure the visual integrity of your project remains intact.

Leverage Utility Combinations

Tailwind CSS excels in combining utility classes to create unique designs without adding complexity. For border-radius, leverage these combinations thoughtfully. For instance, pairing shadow-* with rounded-* can give cards or avatars a polished, modern appearance. Additionally, combining rounded-full with flex utilities like flex, items-center, and justify-center works exceptionally well for circular buttons or profile avatars, ensuring proper alignment alongside aesthetic appeal.

You can also use directional utilities, like rounded-t-lg or rounded-b-lg, in conjunction with background gradient utilities (e.g., bg-gradient-to-r). This pairing creates visually distinct sections while maintaining rounded corners where appropriate. For instance, a call-to-action (CTA) card might feature a rounded top edge paired with a color gradient, helping it stand out above the fold without overwhelming the rest of the aesthetics.

Consider introducing dynamic combinations using state modifiers such as hover and focus. For example, you can animate a rectangle-shaped card into a pill-shaped button by combining hover:rounded-full with transition-all and duration-300. These combinations not only enhance interactivity but also add sophisticated micro-interactions to your application, making the user experience feel fluid and engaging.

Accessibility Considerations

Enhance Readability and Navigability

Border-radius can guide visual focus, making interfaces more intuitive for users, especially those with cognitive impairments. Rounded corners can help soften the appearance of dense layouts, reducing visual noise and improving content scannability. For example, a card with rounded-lg draws attention due to its distinct separation from a rectangular content area.

Use hover states in conjunction with rounded corners to intuitively signal interactivity. A hover:rounded-full button conveys its clickability, making it easier for users to differentiate between actionable elements and static content. This is particularly helpful for users who rely on visual cues, enhancing both accessibility and usability.

Aim for consistency in how you apply border-radius to navigational elements like buttons, actionable cards, and dropdown menus. Overly tight or loose radii values can make the content harder to interpret. Adopting rounded edges uniformly across similar UI components improves clarity.

Focus on High Contrast

Rounded elements can help frame areas of content, but maintaining sufficient contrast ratios remains essential for accessibility. For instance, pairing rounded-lg cards with distinct backgrounds, such as bg-gray-900 and text-white, creates a clear delineation between components for users with low vision. Ensure that text and icons inside rounded elements meet the WCAG minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1.

For buttons or hoverable cards, pair border-radius classes with focus:ring utilities to emphasize focus states. For example, a component styled with focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-500 rounded-md not only maintains contrast but also provides visible styling for users navigating via keyboard or screen readers. Adding high-contrast outlines ensures rounded shapes remain perceptible, even for users with visual impairments.

Avoid overly complex layouts where border-radius appears alongside gradients or patterns that reduce visual clarity. Ensure the focus remains on content legibility, using simple, high-contrast backgrounds like bg-white or bg-black with properly rounded elements to create accessible designs.

Debugging Common Issues

Isolate Utility Conflicts

When multiple utilities unintentionally override each other, debugging border radius issues requires a focused approach. For instance, combining rounded-none and rounded-lg on the same element might result in styling conflicts, where the order of utilities determines priority. Use the !important modifier (!rounded-none) for direct interventions when resolving such conflicts.

To troubleshoot overlapping styles, inspect the DOM using browser DevTools. Simply adjust or remove the undesired utility directly for a quick resolution.