
Tailwind CSS Backdrop Brightness

Backdrop brightness adjusts the brightness of an element's backdrop. It is part of the backdrop-filter properties that enable visual effects applied to the background of an element. Tailwind CSS provides utilities to handle backdrop brightness, making it seamless to use this effect to enhance your UI designs. In this guide, you'll learn how to leverage Tailwind's features for backdrop brightness, integrate them conditionally, and even customize them.

backdrop-brightness-0backdrop-filter: brightness(0);<div className="backdrop-brightness-0"></div>
backdrop-brightness-50backdrop-filter: brightness(.5);<div className="backdrop-brightness-50"></div>
backdrop-brightness-75backdrop-filter: brightness(.75);<div className="backdrop-brightness-75"></div>
backdrop-brightness-90backdrop-filter: brightness(.9);<div className="backdrop-brightness-90"></div>
backdrop-brightness-95backdrop-filter: brightness(.95);<div className="backdrop-brightness-95"></div>
backdrop-brightness-100backdrop-filter: brightness(1);<div className="backdrop-brightness-100"></div>
backdrop-brightness-105backdrop-filter: brightness(1.05);<div className="backdrop-brightness-105"></div>
backdrop-brightness-110backdrop-filter: brightness(1.1);<div className="backdrop-brightness-110"></div>
backdrop-brightness-125backdrop-filter: brightness(1.25);<div className="backdrop-brightness-125"></div>
backdrop-brightness-150backdrop-filter: brightness(1.5);<div className="backdrop-brightness-150"></div>
backdrop-brightness-200backdrop-filter: brightness(2);<div className="backdrop-brightness-200"></div>

Overview Backdrop Brightness

Adding the Backdrop Brightness

In Tailwind CSS, you can apply backdrop-brightness utilities to control how vivid or dull an image or background appears. Brightness adjustment values are scalable, allowing you to fine-tune the effect as needed.

Here’s how you apply backdrop brightness utilities:

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export default function BackdropBrightnessDemo() {
  return (
    <div className="relative h-screen w-screen">
        className="absolute h-full w-full object-cover"
      {/* Applying backdrop brightness */}
      <div className="relative h-full w-full backdrop-brightness-50 bg-gray-800 bg-opacity-50 flex items-center justify-center">
        <p className="text-white text-lg text-center px-10">Backdrop Brightness 50%</p>


  • backdrop-brightness-50 reduces the backdrop brightness by 50%.
  • A semi-transparent overlay (bg-opacity-50) blends with the filter.

You can modify the brightness level by choosing different predefined values like 75, 90, or 110 depending on your needs.

Resetting Filters Completely

To remove any backdrop filter, including the brightness, use the backdrop-filter-none utility. It nullifies all backdrop-related filters.

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export default function ResetBackdropBrightness() {
  return (
    <div className="relative h-screen w-screen">
        className="absolute h-full w-full object-cover"
      {/* No backdrop filters applied */}
      <div className="relative h-full w-full backdrop-filter-none flex items-center justify-center">
        <p className="text-white text-lg text-center px-10">No Backdrop Filters</p>

This utility ensures that you can reset your styles as necessary without affecting other applied properties.

States and Responsiveness

Hover and Focus States

You can use state-specific modifiers like hover and focus to apply backdrop brightness interactively. Tailwind allows smooth control over these states for an enhanced user experience.

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export default function InteractiveBrightness() {
  return (
    <div className="relative h-screen w-screen">
        className="absolute h-full w-full object-cover"
      {/* Apply brightness conditionally on hover */}
      <div className="relative h-full w-full bg-gray-900 bg-opacity-50 backdrop-brightness-75 hover:backdrop-brightness-125 transition-all duration-300 flex items-center justify-center">
        <p className="text-white text-lg text-center px-10">Hover Over Me!</p>
  • By default, backdrop-brightness-75 is applied.
  • On hover, hover:backdrop-brightness-125 increases brightness intensity.

Breakpoint Modifiers

Media query-like behavior can be achieved with responsive modifiers. Tailwind's responsive design utilities help you tweak backdrop brightness for various screen sizes.

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export default function ResponsiveBrightness() {
  return (
    <div className="relative h-screen w-screen">
        className="absolute h-full w-full object-cover"
      {/* Breakpoint-specific brightness */}
      <div className="relative h-full w-full lg:backdrop-brightness-80 md:backdrop-brightness-100 sm:backdrop-brightness-50 flex items-center justify-center">
        <p className="text-white text-lg text-center px-10">Responsive Brightness</p>
  • For large screens (lg), brightness is 80%.
  • On medium screens (md), brightness is neutral (100%).
  • Small screens (sm) see a 50% reduction in brightness.

Custom Backdrop Brightness

Extending the Theme

Sometimes, the default brightness values Tailwind offers may not suffice. You can extend the theme and define custom values in tailwind.config.js.

Once added, you'll be able to use classes like backdrop-brightness-35 or backdrop-brightness-120.

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import tailwindConfig from "./tailwind.config.js";
tailwind.config = tailwindConfig;

export default function CustomBrightnessDemo() {
  return (
    <div className="relative h-screen w-screen">
        className="absolute h-full w-full object-cover"
      {/* Custom brightness utility */}
      <div className="relative h-full w-full backdrop-brightness-35 bg-gray-800 bg-opacity-50 flex items-center justify-center">
        <p className="text-white text-lg text-center px-10">Custom Brightness 35%</p>

Here, we added backdrop-brightness-35 which reduces the brightness by 65% relative to the original.

Using Arbitrary Values

Tailwind also supports arbitrary values, granting you direct control without modifying the configuration. Use square brackets ([]) in your classes to declare specific brightness levels.

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export default function ArbitraryBrightness() {
  return (
    <div className="relative h-screen w-screen">
        className="absolute h-full w-full object-cover"
      {/* Arbitrary using square brackets */}
      <div className="relative h-full w-full backdrop-brightness-[0.75] bg-gray-700 bg-opacity-40 flex items-center justify-center">
        <p className="text-white text-lg text-center px-10">Arbitrary Brightness: 75%</p>

backdrop-brightness-[0.75] adjusts the brightness to 75%, specifying it directly in your class. This option is particularly useful when one-off customizations are required.

Real World Examples

Product Showcase with Hover Effects

This example demonstrates a product grid where hovering over items reveals product details with a backdrop brightness effect.

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export default function ProductShowcase() {
  const products = [
      id: 1,
      name: "Premium Leather Wallet",
      price: "$89.99",
      src: "",
      alt: "Brown leather wallet"
      id: 2,
      name: "Minimalist Watch",
      price: "$199.99",
      src: "",
      alt: "Silver analog watch"
      id: 3,
      name: "Designer Sunglasses",
      price: "$159.99",
      src: "",
      alt: "Black sunglasses"
      id: 4,
      name: "Canvas Backpack",
      price: "$129.99",
      src: "",
      alt: "Gray canvas backpack"
      id: 5,
      name: "Wireless Earbuds",
      price: "$179.99",
      src: "",
      alt: "White wireless earbuds"
      id: 6,
      name: "Smart Water Bottle",
      price: "$49.99",
      src: "",
      alt: "Stainless steel water bottle"

  return (
    <div className="grid gap-4 p-8">
      { => (
        <div key={} className="relative group">
            className="w-full h-64 object-cover"
          <div className="absolute inset-0 flex flex-col justify-end p-4 opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity backdrop-brightness-50">
            <h3 className="text-white text-xl font-bold">{}</h3>
            <p className="text-white">{product.price}</p>

This example shows an image gallery with a fixed navigation bar using backdrop brightness.

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export default function ImageGallery() {
  const gallery = [
      id: 1,
      title: "Mountain Landscape",
      src: "",
      alt: "Snowy mountain peaks"
      id: 2,
      title: "Ocean Sunset",
      src: "",
      alt: "Beautiful ocean sunset"
      id: 3,
      title: "Forest Path",
      src: "",
      alt: "Green forest pathway"
      id: 4,
      title: "Desert Dunes",
      src: "",
      alt: "Sandy desert dunes"
      id: 5,
      title: "City Lights",
      src: "",
      alt: "Night city skyline"
      id: 6,
      title: "Arctic Aurora",
      src: "",
      alt: "Northern lights"

  return (
    <div className="relative">
      <nav className="fixed top-0 w-full z-10 backdrop-brightness-75 backdrop-blur-sm">
        <div className="flex justify-between items-center p-4">
          <h1 className="text-white text-2xl font-bold">Gallery</h1>
          <div className="space-x-4">
            <button className="text-white">Categories</button>
            <button className="text-white">About</button>
            <button className="text-white">Contact</button>
      <div className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-2 pt-16 p-4">
        { => (
          <div key={} className="relative h-80">
              className="w-full h-full object-cover"
            <div className="absolute bottom-0 p-4 backdrop-brightness-50 w-full">
              <h3 className="text-white text-lg">{image.title}</h3>

Team Member Cards with Dynamic Backdrop

This example displays team member cards with dynamic backdrop brightness on interaction.

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export default function TeamGrid() {
  const team = [
      id: 1,
      name: "Sarah Johnson",
      role: "CEO",
      src: "",
      alt: "Sarah Johnson portrait",
      bio: "10+ years of leadership experience"
      id: 2,
      name: "Michael Chen",
      role: "CTO",
      src: "",
      alt: "Michael Chen portrait",
      bio: "Expert in cloud architecture"
      id: 3,
      name: "Emma Williams",
      role: "Design Director",
      src: "",
      alt: "Emma Williams portrait",
      bio: "Award-winning designer"
      id: 4,
      name: "David Kim",
      role: "Lead Developer",
      src: "",
      alt: "David Kim portrait",
      bio: "Full-stack development expert"
      id: 5,
      name: "Lisa Martinez",
      role: "Product Manager",
      src: "",
      alt: "Lisa Martinez portrait",
      bio: "Product strategy specialist"
      id: 6,
      name: "James Wilson",
      role: "Marketing Director",
      src: "",
      alt: "James Wilson portrait",
      bio: "Digital marketing guru"

  return (
    <div className="grid gap-6 p-8 bg-gray-100">
      { => (
          className="relative overflow-hidden rounded-lg group"
            className="w-full h-72 object-cover"
          <div className="absolute inset-0 flex flex-col justify-end p-6 translate-y-full group-hover:translate-y-0 transition-transform duration-300 backdrop-brightness-50">
            <h3 className="text-white text-xl font-bold">{}</h3>
            <p className="text-white font-medium">{member.role}</p>
            <p className="text-white mt-2">{}</p>

Feature Section with Backdrop Layers

This example showcases a feature section with multiple backdrop brightness layers.

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export default function FeatureSection() {
  const features = [
      id: 1,
      title: "Cloud Storage",
      description: "Secure and scalable storage solutions",
      icon: "",
      alt: "Cloud storage icon"
      id: 2,
      title: "Analytics Dashboard",
      description: "Real-time data visualization",
      icon: "",
      alt: "Analytics dashboard icon"
      id: 3,
      title: "Team Collaboration",
      description: "Seamless communication tools",
      icon: "",
      alt: "Team collaboration icon"
      id: 4,
      title: "Security",
      description: "Enterprise-grade protection",
      icon: "",
      alt: "Security icon"
      id: 5,
      title: "API Integration",
      description: "Connect with your favorite tools",
      icon: "",
      alt: "API integration icon"
      id: 6,
      title: "24/7 Support",
      description: "Always here to help you",
      icon: "",
      alt: "Support icon"

  return (
    <div className="relative min-h-screen">
      <div className="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-r from-blue-500 to-purple-600" />
      <div className="relative z-10 container mx-auto px-4 py-16">
        <div className="grid gap-8">
          { => (
              className="backdrop-brightness-125 backdrop-blur-sm bg-white/30 p-6 rounded-lg"
                className="w-16 h-16 object-cover rounded-full mb-4"
              <h3 className="text-white text-xl font-bold mb-2">
              <p className="text-white/90">{feature.description}</p>

Hero Section with Interactive Backdrop

This example shows a hero section with an interactive backdrop brightness effect.

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export default function HeroSection() {
  const highlights = [
      id: 1,
      title: "Innovation",
      description: "Pushing boundaries in technology",
      src: "",
      alt: "Technology innovation"
      id: 2,
      title: "Sustainability",
      description: "Eco-friendly solutions",
      src: "",
      alt: "Sustainable practices"
      id: 3,
      title: "Community",
      description: "Building stronger connections",
      src: "",
      alt: "Community gathering"
      id: 4,
      title: "Excellence",
      description: "Delivering premium quality",
      src: "",
      alt: "Excellence symbol"
      id: 5,
      title: "Growth",
      description: "Continuous improvement",
      src: "",
      alt: "Business growth"
      id: 6,
      title: "Future",
      description: "Shaping tomorrow today",
      src: "",
      alt: "Future technology"

  return (
    <div className="relative min-h-screen">
      <div className="absolute inset-0">
          alt="Hero background"
          className="w-full h-full object-cover"
      <div className="absolute inset-0 backdrop-brightness-50">
        <div className="container mx-auto px-4 py-20">
          <div className="max-w-3xl mx-auto text-center mb-16">
            <h1 className="text-white text-5xl font-bold mb-6">
              Shape the Future
            <p className="text-white/90 text-xl">
              Join us in building tomorrow's innovations today
          <div className="grid gap-6">
            { => (
                className="group relative overflow-hidden rounded-lg"
                  className="w-full h-48 object-cover"
                <div className="absolute inset-0 flex flex-col justify-end p-6 backdrop-brightness-75 group-hover:backdrop-brightness-50 transition-all">
                  <h3 className="text-white text-xl font-bold">{item.title}</h3>
                  <p className="text-white/90">{item.description}</p>

Customization Examples

This example demonstrates a modal dialog with a customized backdrop brightness for better visibility and contrast.

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import { useState } from "react";
  import tailwindConfig from "./tailwind.config.js";
tailwind.config = tailwindConfig;

// App.js
export default function CustomModalBackdrop() {
  const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);

  return (
    <div className="min-h-screen bg-gradient-to-br from-indigo-500 to-purple-600 p-8">
        onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}
        className="px-6 py-3 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-lg"
        Open Modal

      {isOpen && (
        <div className="fixed inset-0 flex items-center justify-center">
            className="absolute inset-0 backdrop-brightness-25 backdrop-blur-sm"
            onClick={() => setIsOpen(false)}
          <div className="relative bg-white p-8 rounded-xl shadow-2xl w-96">
            <h2 className="text-2xl font-bold mb-4">Welcome</h2>
            <p className="text-gray-600">This modal uses a custom backdrop brightness of 25%.</p>
              onClick={() => setIsOpen(false)}
              className="mt-6 px-4 py-2 bg-indigo-600 text-white rounded-lg"

This example shows an image gallery where hovering over images applies custom backdrop brightness effects.

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import tailwindConfig from "./tailwind.config.js";
tailwind.config = tailwindConfig;

// App.js
export default function ImageGallery() {
  const images = [
    { id: 1, url: "", title: "Nature" },
    { id: 2, url: "", title: "Travel" },

  return (
    <div className="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-3 gap-4 p-8 bg-gray-100">
      { => (
        <div key={} className="relative group overflow-hidden rounded-xl">
            className="w-full h-64 object-cover"
          <div className="absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 transition-opacity duration-300">
            <div className="absolute inset-0 backdrop-brightness-140 backdrop-blur-sm"></div>
            <h3 className="relative text-2xl font-bold text-white z-10">

Hero Section with Parallax Effect

This example creates a hero section with a parallax background and custom backdrop brightness for text readability.

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import tailwindConfig from "./tailwind.config.js";
tailwind.config = tailwindConfig;

// App.js
export default function ParallaxHero() {
  return (
    <div className="relative h-screen">
        className="absolute inset-0 bg-fixed bg-center bg-cover"
          backgroundImage: "url('')"
      <div className="relative h-full flex items-center justify-center">
        <div className="backdrop-brightness-65 backdrop-blur-md absolute inset-0"></div>
        <div className="relative z-10 text-center px-4">
          <h1 className="text-5xl md:text-7xl font-bold text-white mb-6">
            Welcome to Our Platform
          <p className="text-xl text-white mb-8 max-w-2xl mx-auto">
            Experience the perfect balance of backdrop brightness and blur effects
            to create stunning visual experiences.
          <button className="px-8 py-4 bg-white text-gray-900 rounded-full text-lg font-semibold hover:bg-gray-100 transition-colors">
            Get Started

Best Practices

Maintain Design Consistency

When working with Backdrop Brightness in Tailwind CSS, consistency ensures a cohesive and professional design across your project. To achieve this, leverage predefined utilities such as backdrop-brightness-50 or backdrop-brightness-100 consistently throughout your components. Avoid over-customizing brightness values unless necessary, as an inconsistent application can disrupt the visual flow of your UI. Analyze the branding guidelines or project themes to determine a brightness range that works harmoniously across all elements.

Additionally, maintain a structured layout by grouping similar elements and applying Backdrop Brightness uniformly. For instance, in a dark-themed website, lower brightness values like backdrop-brightness-75 can establish an immersive experience. Ensure text and foreground components stand out by contrasting them strategically against the backdrop.

Lastly, adopt modular design principles to keep the UI scalable. Define reusable utility classes or extend the theme configuration in tailwind.config.js to maintain uniformity, making it easier to apply Backdrop Brightness consistently across various layouts.

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export default function ConsistentBrightness() {
  return (
    <div className="grid gap-4 p-8">
      <div className="relative group">
          className="w-full h-64 object-cover"
        <div className="absolute inset-0 group-hover:backdrop-brightness-75 backdrop-brightness-50 flex items-center justify-center transition-all">
          <h1 className="text-white text-2xl font-semibold">Nature</h1>

Leverage Utility Combinations

To create engaging visuals, combining Backdrop Brightness utilities with other Tailwind utilities like backdrop-blur, opacity, or bg-gradient-to-* can add depth to your designs. For instance, pairing backdrop-brightness-75 with backdrop-blur-sm results in a subtle frosted glass effect. These combinations can create more dynamic interfaces, especially for cards, modals, or overlay layers.

Another useful combination involves blending gradients using bg-gradient-to-*, enhanced by backdrop utilities. By doing so, you can add layers of complexity without additional CSS. Remember to use transition and animation utilities like transition-opacity for a smoother visual experience when interacting with backdrops.

Approach these combinations mindfully to prevent clutter or overdesigning. Focus on simplicity with purposeful enhancements, ensuring the Backdrop Brightness remains the focal point. Create reusable design tokens to maintain these configurations across different components.

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export default function UtilityCombination() {
  return (
    <div className="relative min-h-screen">
        alt="Scenic background"
        className="absolute w-full h-full object-cover"
      <div className="absolute inset-0 backdrop-brightness-75 backdrop-blur-md bg-gradient-to-t from-black/50 to-transparent flex items-center justify-center">
        <h1 className="text-white text-5xl font-bold">Welcome</h1>

Accessibility Considerations

Enhance Readability and Navigability

Backdrop Brightness plays a significant role in improving text readability and UI navigability. While applying brightness, ensure it complements text color and size to avoid rendering the content unreadable. A balanced approach is using brightness levels, such as backdrop-brightness-75 on darker backgrounds, paired with light-colored typography.

Additionally, test designs with users who have varying levels of visual acuity to ensure text is legible over backdrops. Incorporating larger fonts (text-2xl) and higher contrast levels for critical information provides accessible design. Users should easily navigate through both static and interactive sections without visual strain.