Email Love and Kombai bring you a handbook that contextualizes the email design trends used by the best email teams today.

Insights include:

  • • 16 of the top email design trends seen across 9 industries
  • • Design utilization - varying use cases of the top 5 design trends
  • • Designs' impact on email's performance

Download the report now and learn about the design trends making their way into 2024.

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In this report, we analyze 1000+ emails
to help your team better design the next email campaign

Readability over aesthetics

Only 18% of the emails have visually rich typography to focus on aesthetics rather than readability.

Modern trends for modern email teams

The top three modern email design trends are - Overlapping text, Rounded corners, and Custom visuals and illustrations.

Less is more in email design

16% of the sampled emails use minimalist designs and perform better than the other emails.

Emails are getting cluttered

24% of the emails used in the food & e-commerce industries have four or more unique visual elements in their designs.

Download the report now and learn about the design trends making their way into 2024